Fake Aesthetic Devices Circulating on Craigslist Website

fake machinery beware

The Campaign would like to raise awareness to all our professional supporters within the aesthetics and beauty industry.

Over the last 6 months, our campaign has received around 20 complaints regarding the on-line sale of fake or dubious aesthetic machinery. Our current concern stems around a website called https://london.craigslist.co.uk/

Over 40 machines and pieces of aesthetic equipment have been posted on the website, the postings have been investigated by the safety in beauty campaign, and it seems that a group of individuals located in Eastern Europe are responsible for the listings.

Most of the live listings use photographs of branded authentic equipment that have already been sold or advertised elsewhere, these photographs are being passed off as the sellers own, please be aware for large majority of the listings we have investigated: they are not.

Despite the listings advertising a ’30 day guarantee’ there is no safeguard in place to protect a potential buyer who is unaware of what they are truly buying, and there is no way of telling on-line if what you see is a genuine piece of aesthetic equipment or not.

One of the complaints received by the campaign also involved a fake invoice being issued to a buyer, on closer investigation, the company cited on the invoice has been defunct since 2010.

If you are an aesthetic, beauty or spa business wanting to purchase quality equipment please be aware of the potential pitfalls of buying such items on dubious listings.

Even though E-Bay is not ideally the platform we would advocate to buy used aesthetic equipment or machinery, at least there is an element of buyer protection offered through the website policy.

A buyer needs protection from roque sellers. Check that any website you buy equipment from has this.

You can also contact websites such as http://www.consultingroom.com (the 2016 winner of The safety in beauty campaign diamond award for best media platform) where listings of aesthetic machinery and equipment can be found.

However, for the sake of clarity, please be aware that no website can fully take responsibility as to whether a piece of equipment or machinery is in full, safe, working order, or is genuine and verified.

Buying second hand aesthetic devices is no easy task, it’s a tricky area  to tread carefully around.

We wouldn’t want our friends and professional community to be duped, no more than we would not wish any member of the public to come to harm, via potentially untested unregulated dodgy aesthetic machinery.

The Safety in Beauty Campaign will be meeting with the MHRA to discuss the issue imminently.

If you have any dubious adverts, listings or information, please do share this with us on our contacts page.

Thank you for reading.



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