Eyelash Extensions Caused This 21 Year Old Temporary Blindness

Twenty-year-old woman called Megan Rixson posted a video earlier on this month on Twitter, claiming she had lost her eyesight for almost two hours after getting eyelash extensions.

According to Rixson, the salon she went to for the service used nail glue as an adhesive o fix the temporary lashes on during her appointment.

In visible distress; Rixson commented on her video “This one’s on fire. This one wont open as much,”. Since the video’s initial post, it has attracted over 850,000 views.

Rixson told a reporter for Buzz-feed News,”When she was doing the first one my eyes were stinging lots, But she said, don’t worry, it’s normal, and told me to hold my eye open.”

Megan tweeted: “Girls be very very careful where you get your eyelashes done!!I got my individuals done today somewhere new and it turns out they used nail glue on my lashes. I genuinely lost my sight for 2 hours. Thankfully the swelling has gone down, but they’re still very sore. Be careful😭”
10:57 PM – Oct 19, 2018 @meganrixon

Safety should be your number one concern when choosing a lash extension expert.

Please ensure that before undergoing a treatment, your chosen technician takes enough time to run through the risks with you, and you should not be afraid to ask and ensure they are using a safe adhesive.

The Safety in Beauty Campaign suggests asking if the glues being used contain formaldehyde, which can irritate the eyes, a give away that this could be the case in being used on you, is if you can smell strong chemicals, chances are they are being used,

Photo Credit: Copyright of Megan Rixon

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