“Terrible” “Awful” “Irritating” Amazon’s worst reviewed DIY Beauty kits

“Terrible” “Awful” “Irritating” Amazon’s worst reviewed DIY Beauty kits

DIY beauty kits are a great way to recreate beauty treatments at home if your budget doesn’t cover regular trips to the salon, but with some DIY disasters, it seems that some treatments are better left to the professionals.

 The beauty experts at HD Brows took a deep dive into Amazon’s most popular DIY beauty kits, and their disastrous reviews.

Leading the way as the most dangerous DIY beauty kit is the Dioche Semi-Permanent Makeup Tattoo Ink for lips, with a score of 26.3 out of 30. The kit received 3.5 out of 5 on Amazon ratings and had a whopping twenty three 1-star reviews, and 13.33% of reviews containing negative complaints.

The second dodgiest DIY kit to use at home is Iconsign’s Eyelash Lift Kit with a total score of 23.6 out of 30. The lash lift kit was given nine 1-star reviews and has 7.69% of reviews containing negative key words such as ‘terrible’ and ‘bad’.

Landing itself as the third worst at-home beauty kit is Nutronics Beauty’s Premium Home Eyelash Lift Kit with a score of 23.6 out of 30. The DIY kit has received 511 1-star reviews, with 39 of those reviews mentioning words related to ‘terrible’ ‘awful’ and ‘bad’.

Next on the list of the worst DIY beauty kits is AYASAL’s Eyelash Perm Kit with a score of 22.3 out of 30. It’s clear that at-home lash perming should be left to the experts with the kit receiving 423 1-star reviews with 45 of those mentioning words related such as ‘awful’, ‘worst’ and ‘irritating’.

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