Updated Statement Regarding Beautician Dissection Course

Updated Statement by Safety in Beauty Campaign


On 3rd January 2016 The Safety in Beauty Campaign released an exclusive story on Beauticians announcing their “1st ever Human Facial Cadaver Dissection Course”


The announcement of the dissection course was released and published via a You Tube Video made by a training company called Cosmetic Couture. This story was made public after several leading surgeons and medical professionals brought it to the attention of the safety in beauty campaign.

We are a voice dedicated to public safety in the aesthetics and beauty industry.

The story caused a massive social media flurry of emotion and outrage by the medical community and members of the public.

Since posting the story the following facts have emerged further and we are publishing due to volume of enquiries received:

  1. The University of Newcastle has stated that they are not affiliated, or directly associated with this course. The University of Newcastle allows 3rd party allied health professionals to provide private training and educational courses on their premises.
  2. The cadavers used during the training course mentioned in this statement are sourced and requested for ‘anatomical and physiological education’ by a 3rd party training entity which the University has a link with. The university receives an application for the use of a cadaver (or part of) and then considers whether the application meets the criteria required.
  3. The course discussed and published by Cosmetic Couture, was led by and hosted by an independent 3rd party entity. The individual wishing to remain anonymous has stated he is: “not in agreement with the contents of the video that have been published and discussed”.
  4. The 3rd party host tutor and teaching company of the course has suspended all further beautician led facial dissection courses as of today relating to The University of Newcastle premises and wishes to disassociate all involvement.
  5. The video by Cosmetic Couture has now been removed from public viewing.

Further developments will be announced.

Thank You

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