Last weekend we had World Mental Health Day (10th October) but how many people know that Sunday October 18th is World Menopause Day? A day to raise awareness, reduce stigma and offer support to the millions of women globally going through or feeling the effects of their menopause. But before it all gets too embarrassing (which it really need not be), this isn’t just ‘women’s issues’ or female anatomy, although both are very worthy topics, this is an opportunity for practical discussion about the world of work and how you can improve your business by being more inclusive and productive.
Anyone working with or managing people, who cares about diversity, inclusion and development could benefit from what Surrey based, women led See Her Thrive have to offer employers and businesses. To coincide with World Menopause Day the inspirational team at See Her Thrive are launching a UK wide awareness campaign around their innovative See Her Thrive Menopause Awareness Toolkit and their online Menopause for Managers course. These resources are designed not only to educate staff and managers, but to offer longer term support in nurturing genuine structural and policy-based changes, creating sustainable, supportive environments for female workers.
“We’re on a mission to create more inclusive organisations where women can thrive. We empower employers with the knowledge, tools and confidence to support women’s health at work.”
– See Her Thrive Mission Statement
The menopause is at best mysterious, misunderstood perhaps, but at worst sniggered at, and a real source of hidden discomfort for millions of women, affecting their mental health and physical wellbeing and for some even becoming a barrier to performance or attendance. Did you know:
Women represent 47% of the UK workforce, 28% of whom are aged 50 and above
8 out of 10 of menopausal women are in work and are the fastest growing demographic in the workforce today
30-60% of women experience physical and/or psychological symptoms during the menopause transition
A recent BBC survey showed that 48% of women surveyed between the ages of 50 and 55 said that menopause affected their mental health
See Her Thrive recognise that the menopause is something many employers and managers feel uncomfortable or embarrassed discussing, but the good news is this need not be the case. Just as discussion and awareness around mental health has become far more open and comfortable it is time for women’s reproductive health to have the same priority on the workplace agenda. In a world where our focus is on equality and empowerment more than ever before following #metoo, it really matters just how employers and co-workers support and adapt for their female employees with just a few simple changes. Like any health issue or life event, menopause matters, you don’t need to know every intimate detail but you do need to be able to support your staff and have policies and procedures that are inclusive are proactive as an embedded part of your business model.
See Her Thrive have identified a gap in provision in both women’s services and business diversity training with a real need for professional, affordable resources and training around menopause. Their approach is to empower leaders and provide them with ongoing advice and support as well as an understanding not only of the biology behind menopause, but the social and emotional issues and how to adapt your HR practices accordingly. By providing their services using online platforms See Her Thrive have been able to adapt effectively to social distancing and new ways of working during the Covid-19 pandemic, ensuring the Menopause Awareness Toolkit and Menopause for Managers are accessible and safe.
“As a manager who is providing support for a member of my team in regards to menopause I found this very interesting and it also assured me I am saying the right things and taking the correct approach…I found the content of the course very will structured and easy to follow…which will certainly equip me with a better understanding to help me support my staff member.”
– Mark, Team Leader
“I thought the course excellent. I pride myself on being very aware of how the menopause affects women in the workplace but still learnt a lot of new things from this course. I particularly liked the way that the information was given in short sections, allowing for the information to sink in, and thought the delivery very well paced, clear and informative.”
– Liz, Food Standards Agency
So this World Menopause Day you don’t need to do much to show your support, a simple click to See Her Thrive’s website can take you to all the training and tools you need support the wellbeing of women you work with. An efficient and effective investment that will transform your business into a more open and productive environment beyond the stereotypes and silence of ‘women’s issues,’ and not just for World Menopause Day, but every day.
Learn more here