Safety in Beauty Welcomes New Advisory Panel Expert Sally Durant

sally durant - safety inbeautyWe are delighted to announce and welcome the expertise and support of our new panel advisor: Sally Durant.

Sally has a career spanning over 34 years as a well reputed educator and developer her specialist area of expertise is education and development for aesthetic and beauty professionals.

Sally has a wealth of knowledge and experience in the management of skin health, together with a commitment to establish recognised standards of training and practice, She specialises in the development of advanced post graduate training programmes for all skin care therapists and clinical practitioners. Sally has combined her extensive knowledge of skin science, cosmetic dermatology and remedial skin treatment with 20 years experience in formal education and training to develop a series of first to market Level 4 Qualifications and CPD short courses, for which she has received national award recognition.

Sally has a wide portfolio of high profile corporate clients from the beauty therapy and aesthetic sectors providing bespoke training and consultancy services. Such clients include L’Oreal Uk and International, SkinCeuticals, the sk:n Clinic Group, Nouveau Beauty Group , SAKS Hair and Beauty, Aesthetic Source, Medik8, Innomed Training and Chromogenex. In the formal education sector Sally is engaged by The London College of Fashion to teach on their Advanced Aesthetic Therapist course, she is a former CIBTAC and CIDESCO international examiner and served for two years on the CIBTAC Education Team.

Sally is passionately dedicated to driving forward education and training standards in the aesthetic and beauty sector. Sally is now available to assist with public enquiries received at the safety in beauty campaign and will be helping the public understand: how to look for the correct qualifications when choosing beauty and aesthetic professionals. In addition to this, Sally is also supporting the aesthetics and beauty industry via our campaign by sharing articles, news,  knowledge and developments, within professional industry training and education. Please do contact us if you require advice from Sally.

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