Safety in Beauty Campaign Annual Review 2015

Press Release 23 November 2016

Cosmetic Injections continue to remain the number one source of complaints received by The Safety in Beauty Campaign with over 187 complaints reported from October 214 to October 2015.

Lip injections and facial fillers are the most common concern, with over 82% of complaints made regarding concern of the injectors ability to practice safely and skillfully due to a lack of sufficient and adequate training, followed by concerns over hygiene and suitability of premises.

The largest area of complaints centered around unethical marketing of cosmetic medical injections such as prescription only medications like Botox or thread lifts used for facial lifting and tightening.

Cosmetic Surgery remains a strong hold of concern due to the continued lack of regulation, with over 63 complaints presented to the campaign during 2014 to 2015, primary areas of concern remain lack of recourse for consumers inflicted with substandard and negligent treatment. Concerns continue to grow regarding fly-in visiting overseas surgeons who are often unaccountable once they leave the UK.

Semi Permanent Make Up complaints and botch jobs have crept up to become a major concern, following 58 complaints from unhygienic premises where unregulated treatments are carried out, infections and substandard work due to a lack of regulation in training and education.

The Safety in Beauty campaign has launched (November 2015) a new anonymous on-line complaint service to help consumers who have experienced substandard service within the beauty industry.

Cowboy practitioners who botch beauty treatments or who otherwise offer unsatisfactory treatments and products can now be exposed via the whistleblowing service. Industry professionals, product manufacturers, brands and the general public can complain about anything that is dangerous, damaging, ineffective, exploitive or otherwise unsatisfactory or unsafe.

The complaints service has been set up to remedy the fact that many people are too frightened or intimidated to speak out about substandard service, interventions and products.

Last year the Safety in Beauty campaign logged over 360 complaints about a wide range of issues – from counterfeit makeup, to fake equipment in beauty salons, to botched injectable fillers administered by personnel inadequately trained and ill-qualified to do so.

The Safety in Beauty campaign was launched to help educate and empower consumers and to facilitate a better, safer and more transparent industry. The complaints service is another way in which the campaign is helping protect consumers and provide much needed support. The organisation is run on a voluntary basis and was founded by beauty industry writer and coach Antonia Mariconda who has undergone 7 cosmetic surgery procedures and over 20 non surgical cosmetic treatments, some of which she says “are good, and others much less so”

Consumers can submit their complaint anonymously via

All complaints will be dealt with in a sensitive and responsible manner, with a guarantee of confidentiality. All complaints will be responded to within 48 hours by professional volunteer advisory panel members and experts.

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