Report on Phase 1 of programme published in September 2014
1. We are pleased to announce the completion of our report on Phase 1 of the review of the qualifications required for delivery of non-surgical cosmetic interventions. The report outlines the key outcomes of the programme from October 2013 to May 2014, including a draft education and training framework built around five treatment modalities: Botulinum toxin, dermal fillers, chemical peels and skin rejuvenation treatments, laser, Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) and Light Emitting Diode (LED) treatments and hair restoration surgery.
Key areas of further work to be undertaken in Phase 2 of the programme are also highlighted, including development of options for accreditation, delivery of qualifications and APEL and identification of levers to support implementation of the framework.
The report was endorsed by the Department of Health (DH) Advisory Board for cosmetic interventions at its meeting on 17 June 2014. Please click here for the full report.
Stakeholder engagement
2. Stakeholder engagement continues to be a key priority of the programme. A virtual network of over 200 members has been developed, comprising of a very diverse range of stakeholders, including practitioners, insurance companies, training providers and product manufacturers.
3. A webpage for the non-surgical cosmetic interventions programme has now been established to provide a centralised location for project information, including updates, events and publications.
4. In Phase 1, the project team focused on engaging those working within the cosmetics sector through a call for evidence, meetings with experts, contribution to magazine articles and news updates on websites of organisations involved in the programme. In the next phase, raising the profile of this work among those working in the cosmetics industry and potential users of cosmetic treatments is a high priority.
Non-surgical cosmetic interventions stakeholder summit, 1 May 2014
5. Phase 1 of the non-surgical cosmetic interventions project finished off with a well-attended stakeholder summit on 1 May in London. The summit included presentations from members of the ERG on outcomes of Phase 1 and Noel Griffin from the Public Health Policy and Strategy Unit at the DH discussed planned activities to support implementation of the Keogh review.
Delegates were able to contribute to discussions on planning for Phase 2 of the programme through group work sessions and a vibrant Q&A session.
The feedback received on the work accomplished to date was highly positive and the general consensus implied support for the general direction of the programme. We would like to thank all those who attended and contributed at this summit
Further work
6. The Expert Reference Group (ERG) has been taking forward the work from the stakeholder consultation workshops in February and May 2014. Contributions by ERG members have been essential to the progress achieved in the last few months. In Phase 2 of the programme, the ERG continue to meet to further refine the education and training framework and develop recommendations for accreditation and course delivery.
7. Task and Finish Group (T&FG) meetings have been arranged for Phase 2 to provide additional input and complement the work of the ERG.
8. The Advisory Group, which includes members from professional regulatory bodies, the Royal College of Surgeons of England, the National Institute of Health and Care Excellence, the Department of Health (DH) and the sector skills council for the hair and beauty industry, will continue to provide oversight and strategic direction and provide expert advice and comment on practical implications of proposals.
9. Save the date: We invite all those working within the non-surgical cosmetic and hair restoration industry to our stakeholder summit on 9 December 2014 in London, to sign off the education and training framework, and discuss key issues including supervision, APEL and foundation training. Click here to register for the event.
This update is being sent to all members of our virtual network with whom we have made contact as part of this project. Please contact if there is anyone who you feel should be added to our contact list to receive regular project updates. If you no longer wish to receive regular updates please email
The non-surgical cosmetic interventions project team thanks you for your interest in our project
Charles Bruce, Managing Director, HE NWL
Carol Jollie, Performance and Delivery Manager, HE NWL
Filmawit Kiros, Project Support Officer, HE NWL
Patrick Spicer, Project Support Officer, HE NWL