My Mission: United Colours of Beauty by Eryca Freemantle


Beauty is a form of expression – but what does it really mean. When many of us hear the word beauty we associate it to the word pretty. After many years I have finally realised they are two completely different things.   I am Eryca Freemantle Global Makeup Educator & Industry Strategist founder of Embracing All Tones of Women and former makeup artist to celebrities.

I started my beauty career over 30 years ago by accident, literally. I was involved in a major car accident – unfortunately that accident left me with multiple scars on my face , the loss of my hair and the near amputation of my left leg. If at that time I was told I would become one of the world’s leading makeup artist I would have thought, it was a fantasy or dream.   I am a dark skinned black woman and at that time there was possibly on two makeup brands available to cover my scars. I felt extremely ugly and had no idea how I was going to cope. Ugly and I became best friends.

After experimenting with mud and water to create my own makeup to alleviate my scars and insecurities I knew I had to do better. After embarking on a makeup course- I became a qualified makeup artist.   To become a successful artist, one must be at the right place at the right time. I was approached by Island Records and the rest they say is history.

I love the industry of beauty and makeup, to survive you must be toughed skin and be prepared to deal with all different types of emotions and outburst that we women go through. Most of all a great artist will know how to fulfil her clients needs. I would say the first thing to understand another woman is to know how to read her moods .

Most woman say they want perfect beautiful skin – this is virtually impossible for everyone. I do give everyone the same advice – beauty starts from within. Drink plenty of water, eat healthy and do plenty of exercise. This must become a lifestyle start now it is never to later. Take one day at a time.

Skin care

Starts with looking and getting to know your skin inside and out. Study your skin, analyse what your skin does at certain times of the month. Most of all remember your skin changes every 7 years. Don’t stress trying to figure out your skin type. Your passport to good skin is profound knowledge. You can source professional advice by going to see a professional beautician and ask them to diagnose your skin thoroughly It is important to use the right products.   The most common skin types are, normal, sensitive, combination, oily and dry.   I believe a good therapist will confidently be able to work with all skin types, tones and hues. There is a difference between Caucasian and darker skin tones the most obvious is the skin colour and melanin, the best therapist will make all clients feel comfortable especially when choosing products. It is important to know from the onset that one product does not suit all.


It is a fantastic time to be a makeup lover – I have not seen so many makeup brands available for all skin tones. There is always room for improvement. There are only a few makeup brands in my opinion who cater for every woman (most) these include L’Oréal, Becca, Bobbi Brown, MAC.   We talk about diversity and unity but until all consumers feel equal, the beauty industry will always encounter resentment and segregation from consumers. The overall major of women find they cant find a genuine skin match with foundations. I say to my clients never give up, If you see someone of your similar skin tone wearing makeup especially foundation and you like the look of it , ask her which foundation she is wearing, I always think that is a good starting point. You may not know how to get there but you definitely know where you want to get too. Foundation is about trial and error.   Different make up companies use different formulation; therefore, it is imperative to find the right foundation to match your skins undertone


Having worked across the globe in the beauty,I have noticed most artist are not comfortable working on skin tones that are not their own, this is a universal problem which needs to be addressed. In my opinion this starts from educators, learning outcomes, sales assistants, advertising and examination bodies.   Right across the board. We started our campaign Embracing All Tones of Women for that same reason. We believe industry experts should come together and share knowledge giving each other confidence to learn from each other.   When a woman feels beautiful she acts beautiful and she stays beautiful.

We are holding master classes for young women and young girls – working with leading makeup brands – educating and inspiring women of all ages to enjoy, embrace, empower and most of all love themselves – keep an eye on our website for masterclass sessions with a difference.

Antonia Mariconda (Left) with Eryca Freemantle (Right)

Antonia Mariconda (Left) with Eryca Freemantle (Right)

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