Meet our Campaign Advisor Dr. Philippe Hamida Pisal

The People That Make A Difference

Launched in October 2013, The Safety in Beauty Campaign was a response to the growing dissatisfaction and devastation caused by dubious activities and individuals in the aesthetic and beauty industry, the campaign was formed by a group of like-minded professionals and experts.

The Safety in Beauty Campaign seeks to:

Help, educate and empower consumers
Facilitate a better, safer, more transparent industry
Offer much-needed support
Give peace of mind to everyone seeking to improve their looks

The Safety in Beauty Campaign supports member of the public by allowing them limited FREE access to emotional, legal, medical advice and support. The campaign is run by voluntary supporters and professionals who do not receive any financial recompense for the time and services that they generously give for the campaign objectives.

Over the next few weeks, we are introducing you to our advisory panel members, to share their great work and endeavours with you, today we would like to introduce you to Dr. Philippe Hamida-Pisal, and we look forward to sharing many other dedicated professionals with you soon.

Say Hello..

safety in beauty

Dr Philippe Hamida-Pisal is an aesthetic professional working in London and Paris. As well as being the president of the Society of Mesotherapy of the UK, the society partner of Euromedicom and IMCAS Paris, Dr Hamida-Pisal is a key note speaker at major industry events around the world; discussing the concept of beauty, the ageing process and ethnic skin.

Dr. Hamida-Pisal is also a highly sought after Skin Consultant/ for several Modelling Agencies based in London and Paris, he is dedicated to researching the specific needs of ethnic skin, he also pursues a keen interest in Mesotherapy, and Mesotherapy for hair loss (or the medical term Alopecia).

Dr. Hamida-Pisal has been a fantastic source of help and support to The Safety in Beauty Campaign as our go-to advisor on all aspects of Mesotherapy training and education, he is also currently assisting the campaign in providing the safety in beauty organisation with a consumer fact sheet on ‘understanding mesotherapy’

As the current President of SoMUK (Society of Mesotherapy UK) he takes a passionate proactive role in teaching practitioners who have a scientific and clinical interest in exploring the aesthetical and medical facets of Mesotherapy.

The SoMUK teaches the art, science, techniques and procedures of Mesotherapy to licensed practitoners, regardless of their speciality, Dr Hamida-Pisal provides education and hands-on training in the UK, as well as in other countries.

“The exciting field of Mesotherapy is a new trend in modern medicine. patients not only want to be in good health, they also want to enjoy life, to be fit and minimise the effects of ageing. As Mesotherapy continues to climb in popularity we find that every practitioner has his/her formula of ingredients and quantities, we are working hard to ensure that there is a standard approach and that protocols for safety are adhered to.
SoMUK is currently working hard to establish a diploma in Mesotherapy by offering proper accredited training, we want to ensure that the public are allowed access to safe, quality procedures and products and that practitioners are trained the best levels” – Dr. Hamida-Pisal

dr pisal hamida

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