Intense Pulsed Light and Broadband Light

What is Intense Pulsed Light and Broadband Light?

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) has been used for many years to treat various skin conditions, including rosacea, redness, thread veins and sun damage. It is also used as a treatment for signs of ageing such as lines, wrinkles, pigmentation issues and age spots, and can also treat thread veins. Broadband Light is a more powerful IPL systems for a more even, younger and fresher complexion.

Who is an ideal candidate for Intense Pulsed Light and Broadband Light?

Intense Pulsed Light is not suitable for everyone, and tends to be best for those with white, untanned skin. As there is a risk that the IPL could change the skin pigment after treatment, it is not recommended for those with darker skin types or tanned skin. It can effectively treat anyone with pigmentation issues, broken blood vessels and rosacea. Those with skin types 1-4 are also the best candidates for Broadband Light treatments.

How does Intense Pulsed Light and Broadband Light work?

Intense Pulsed Light uses bursts of high-intensity light to target and remove pigmented or damaged skin cells. Multiple wavelengths of light are projected onto the skin, which heats the ells and breaks them down, allowing the body to naturally eliminate them. During a Broadband Light treatments, hundreds of colours of light are flashed at the same time in order to simultaneously target and clear multiple elements in the skin. It is believed that this can boost the genes in skin cells to help preserve the natural collagen levels in the skin.

  • How long do the results last? Up to 6 months
  • Treatment duration time: 20-30 minutes
  • Anaesthesia required: None
  • Downtime:3-5 days
  • Costs: £70-£1000

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