Fat Freezing

What is fat freezing?

Fat freezing is a non-surgical method of removing fat from the body. Sometimes known as cryolipolysis, fat freezing can reduce unwanted fat in a particular area of the body by freezing the fat cells and eliminating them from the body. It can then leave you with a slimmer and more toned appearance in most of the typical troublesome areas of the body.

Who is an ideal candidate for fat freezing?

Fat freezing is a great treatment for anyone wanting to get rid of any stubborn areas of fat that they have not been able to shift through diet and exercise. It is most typically used on areas such as the chin, thighs, abdomen, back, hips, buttocks and upper arms. It can take up to three months for the full results to be seen, so an appointment should be booked plenty of time before a special event or holiday.

How does fat freezing work?

A handheld device is used to freeze the layer of fat cells that are beneath the skin to a temperature of anything as low as -11 degrees celsius. Whilst the treatment is not painful, you may experience a tugging sensation and the area will feel very cold. As fat cells are more susceptible to the cold than other cells in the body, they become damaged during the treatment and an inflammatory response in the body destroys them. The cells are then removed from the body through the natural process of lymphatic drainage which takes place gradually over the next few weeks.

  • How long do the results last? Indefinitely, according to lifestyle
  • Treatment duration time: Up to 1 hour
  • Anaesthesia required: No
  • Downtime:None 
  • Costs: £150-£600

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