Dear Supporter,
On 24th June 2020, at 11.30am, As the founding Ambassador of The Safety in Beauty Campaign Founder: I had a direct phone conversation with a representative at The Ministry of Health, whereby the campaign asked for further clarity regarding the opening of business activities on the 4th July 2020
I stated to the Department of Health that information and guidance published on the 23rd of June 2020 here at the following link was conflicting and confusing, and failed to include and name business activities pertaining to other sectors of personal care.
For many enquiring individuals, I sought clarity for the following business activities under the scope of:
Personal Care specifically Aesthetic Treatments, whereby the following treatments and services are offered to members of the public including, (but not limited to) permanent make up, cosmetic toxin injections, injectable anti-wrinkle treatments, anti ageing treatments, injectable dermal fillers, skin treatments and other invasive and minimally invasive body or facial treatments, including the use of technology and devices such as laser, delivered via close contact.
The response received was that these services are related directly to the scope of beauty (a close contact business) and that the government currently prohibits the opening of any business related to beauty, except hair salons.
Hairdressers and barbershops will be permitted to reopen for services that relate to cutting or treating hair on the head only from 4 July 2020.
The other services outlined above will remain closed until further notice subject to the 5 tests, but this guidance will help them prepare for reopening:
If you are a medical professional: (Doctor, Dentist, Nurse) directly offering a service to the public under the scope of healthcare, your service must do so as a CQC registered clinic, under the provisions laid out within the framework of the law, and in compliance with the standards expected by your insurance provider, your professional registered organisations and the public.
If you require any further clarity for your business activity please contact, The Business Support Helpline 0300 4563565, this is a government led division, created to inform, guide and assist business owners with specific enquiries relating to business information during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
I am expecting to have another direct conversation within the next 24 hours and I will be making the contents of that communication published here for the beauty, aesthetic and personal care community to access and gain further clarity from.
I do hope this answers some of the many questions we have received as a campaign.
I want to conclude with expressing my unreserved gratitude and support for the aesthetics and beauty industry, namely those that have complied with the regulations in place, It is a frustrating time for many individuals and business activities who have experienced great personal and financial loss, I may or may not be in agreement with some of the regulations imposed, I reserve opinion, regardless of that, I cannot thank you all enough for your commitment to keeping the public safe.
Antonia Mariconda