Cosmetic Industry forced to re-think the consumer experience post Covid-19

The beauty and cosmetics industry is under pressure to re-think how customers can physically engage and interact with products, as the world slowly begins to emerge from the on-going (Covid 19) Crisis. With hygiene and safety at the forefront of consumer awareness, both retailers and the public are highly aware of products that are touched.

Jenni Middleton, Director of beauty and trend forecasting firm WGSN, says “with an increased consciousness around touch and hand hygiene, we’re carrying around hand sanitiser in our bags now, just like we do with fragrance and lipstick, we’ve never been more aware of everything we touch, safe contact packaging is going to become really important for cosmetic brands”

Middleton stated the whole concept of shopping “with your eyes” is going to become really important whilst brands and retailers think of a way to communicate to the senses of a customer in the midst of searching for viable touch free solutions.

As a result, the post Covid-19 beauty market could continue to see an increase in consumers using technology such as smartphone apps to diagnose and track their skin, and to use for “virtual try on”.

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