Aesthetic nurses to take stand on Botox being administered by beauticians

right handsAn emergency motion condemning the injection of Botox and dermal fillers by non-health professionals, such as beauty therapists and hairdressers, is to be proposed at this year’s 6th National Aesthetic Nursing Conference, to be held on Friday 20 January, at the Royal Liver Building in Liverpool. The event is organised by the Journal of Aesthetic Nursing (JAN).

For the first time, aesthetic nurses will debate a motion that they have ‘no confidence in the present situation in the UK, whereby non-health groups are providing facial cosmetic injectable medicines, commonly referred to as Botox and fillers’.

Cheryl Barton, JAN Consultant Editor, Aesthetic Nurse and Managing Director, Aesthetika, Sheffield, who will be proposing the motion on Friday, said: ‘This practice doesn’t happen in any other country in Europe, US, Canada or Australia and until there is evidence that the training is adequate and the public are safe, we would suggest that those considering these types of treatments first consult with a doctor, dentist or registered nurse.

‘We have no confidence in the training supervision mentoring offered by non-health groups,’ she continued.

‘We do not agree that Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) registration of graduate-trained nurses can be compared in any way with a voluntary scheme for untrained or barely trained beauticians and urge that those comparisons cease.

She also urged that prescribers cease providing prescriptions for beauticians.

Natasha Devan, JAN Editor, who launched the journal in 2012, welcomed the proposed motion, saying: ‘The UK is falling seriously short of international standards here, taking dangerous shortcuts with people’s health by allowing Botox and fillers to be given by those without comprehensive knowledge of anatomy, consent and complications management.’

For further comment, please contact:
Cheryl Barton, Consultant Editor, Journal of Aesthetic Nursing (JAN), Aesthetic Nurse and Managing Director, Aesthetika, Sheffield: 01909 563000
Natasha Devan, Editor, Journal of Aesthetic Nursing (JAN): 0207 501 6780/07773 276084

Journal of Aesthetic Nursing is the only peer-reviewed clinical and professional journal for aesthetic nurses.

For more information about this year’s Conference, go to:

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